Making Money Is Easy When You Promote "Magic Relationship Words" and our other relationship info products To Your Audience or Web Site Visitors...
(Get your affiliate tools for promoting "Magic Relationship Words" below...)
Susie and Otto Collins
6 simple reasons why you'll LOVE promoting "Magic Relationship Words"...
"Magic Relationship Words" is a high quality product that really helps people learn how to communicate, connect and create lasting love by teaching them the right words to use in every situation. This means the end of nasty fights, arguments and stonewalling and the beginning of more closeness, connection and love.
Why promote "Magic Relationship Words"?
- There's real, useable, helpful content in our sales video -- this means you can promote the fact that we're giving away some really great communication tips and you're NOT just sending your subscribers or visitors straight to a sales pitch.
- 60% commission on your referrals that buy
- High upsell conversion rate--this means more commissions and income for you
- VERY low refund rate--this means you get to keep your commissions
- "Magic Relationship Words" really does help Men, Women and Couples learn the right words to say in every situation--this means you'll be helping couples connect deeper and create lasting love
- "Magic Words" is sold through Clickbank and we use their affiliate program for this product--this means you'll get paid on time... every time (weekly)
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Enter your name and email now and we’ll keep you up to date on our new promotions, tools and resources to make more money promoting our high quality relationship products and programs that we offer thru Clickbank and elsewhere.
We value your privacy and would never spam you
Tools To Promote "Magic Relationship Words"...
Your Affiliate Link:
To promote our "Magic Relationship Words" program, you'll need to set up a FREE Clickbank account and ID.
Your affiliate link to promote "Magic Relationship Words" is
If you need a Clickbank account-- Click here to get one.

"Magic Relationship Words" Images:
Here are some images you can use to promote our "Magic Relationship Words" program.
Our recommendation is to link the image (where appropriate) to your affiliate link for this product.
Again, to be an affiliate for this product, you'll need to set up a FREE Clickbank account and ID.
Your affiliate link to promote "Magic Relationship Words" is
Be sure to replace the part that says YourClickbankAffiliateNameGoesHere with YOUR affiliate nickname (ID) from clickbank.
If you need a Clickbank account--Click here to get one.

"Magic Relationship Words" Advertising Banner Images:
Here are some images you can use to promote our "Magic Relationship Words" program.
Our recommendation is to link the image (where appropriate) to your affiliate link for this product.
Again, to be an affiliate for this product, you'll need to set up a FREE Clickbank account and ID.
Your affiliate link to promote Magic Relationship Words is
Be sure to replace the part that says YourClickbankAffiliateNameGoesHere with YOUR affiliate nickname (ID) from clickbank.
Need a Clickbank account? Click here to get one.

Suggested Email Swipes You Can Use:
Here (below) are two (2) email swipes for "Magic Relationship Words" ...
Feel free to use these (EDIT AS NEEDED) or you can dream up something better...
To promote our "Magic Relationship Words" program, you'll need to set up a FREE Clickbank account and ID.
Your affiliate link to promote Magic Relationship Words and what you'll use in these email links is
If you need a Clickbank account-- Click here to get one.
Email # 1
Subject Line: It's a tragedy...and yet it's a real problem in relationships...
Body Copy:
If I were to ask you if you knew how to talk...
Your answer (if you didn't laugh at me and think this was a
stupid question) would be...
"Of course" ...
That's because you know how to talk.
We all do.
The tragedy in most relationships and marriages is...
...otherwise kind, loving and good men and women don't
know how to talk to one another in ways that open each
other's hearts.
That's right..
Most people don't know how to communicate and connect with
their spouse or partner so they want to open and talk about
ANYTHING (especially their innermost thoughts and feelings
that you long to hear).
My friends and Relationship experts Susie and Otto Collins have
created a video where they give you 3 ways to talk to your
partner that almost automatically opens their heart to you.
In addition to showing you how to use the right words that work
every single time when you're talking to your spouse, partner
and the other important people in your life--they also tell their
"soul mate" story that's both inspiring and heart-warming.
So the video is really worth your time.
--->>> Watch the video here... (link your clickbank affiliate link)
Your Name Here
Email Swipe # 2
This is an email one of our affiliates used to generate a lot of clicks (and sales) .
**Be sure to personalize it to you and your list**
Subject line: The magic words that will stop 98% of all relationship arguments
Body Copy:
Hi--It's YOUR NAME here again.
Have you ever wished you had the "right" words to say in a
difficult relationship situation where you just didn't know the
right thing to say?
Have you ever said the WRONG thing to someone (possibly even to
your spouse or partner) and then wished you had said something
different or regretted what you said later?
Have you ever "not said anything" to someone about something
because you didn't know what to say or how to say it?
Of course you have.
We ALL have.
Now you don't have to worry about what to say or how to say it to your
spouse, partner or lover ever again because of "Magic Relationship
Words" that you can begin using in just a couple of moments.
You've been in enough relationships to know that...
"Words Can Hurt and Words Can Heal..."
What you may not know is that there are actually "Magic Words" that
smart couples use to create more closeness, connection, peace,
harmony, understanding and even passion in their relationships.
Most people in relationships don't know about these words and how
to use them but my friends--Relationship Coaches Susie and Otto
Collins have put together a new book (that I highly recommend) with
a collection of 101 of these "magic words," phrases and sentence
starters in it that you can begin using in your relationship right
now to make sure you say it right every time.
I can attest that these words are POWERFUL because these are
the ones that Susie and Otto use in their own relationship to keep
it close and connected, as well as the ones they teach their coaching
What will learning these "magic relationship words" do for you?
One person who just saw them said..."If I learn how to use these
words, my husband and I will have had our last argument." I believe
that if you start using these magic words they can work miracles in
your relationship or marriage.
No Kidding.
Using these magic words when you talk to your spouse or partner
will help you...
~ Build or rebuild trust
~ Reduce or eliminate jealousy
~ Improve communication
~ Increase connection
~ Create more passion and intimacy both in and out of the bedroom
AND Much More...
These "magic" relationship words, phrases,
and sentence starters are true communication
difference-makers that can determine the quality,
happiness and connection of not just your
intimate relationship or marriage but all your
other relationships as well.
They can be the difference between whether
someone opens and listens to you or closes
up, gets mad or just ignores you.
Here's the web page to go to learn more about
these words that really will work like magic
in your relationship...
Check Out the Magic Words Right Here [Link this line]
To your relationship success,
Your name here
P.S. To see an example of these "magic words" in
action and to learn how you can use them to create more
connection in your relationship or marriage and life...
Go here now..
Magic Words That Stop the Fights Forever [LINK THIS LINE]

Magic Relationship Words Text Ads and Social Media Post Ideas:
Here are some text ads and social media post ideas you can use to promote our "Magic Relationship Words" program.
Your affiliate link to promote "Magic Relationship Words" is
Be sure to replace the part that says YourClickbankAffiliateNameGoesHere with YOUR affiliate nickname (ID) from clickbank.
If you need a Clickbank account--Click here to get one.
Ads and Post Ideas:
Why do some words push love away and other words pull your partner close? Find out here -->>(Link To http://YourClickbankAffilateNameGoesHere.magicwrds.hop.clickbank.net )
Ever said the WRONG thing to your spouse or partner? Now you can use only "Magic Words." FREE video shows you how-->> (Link To http://YourClickbankAffilateNameGoesHere.magicwrds.hop.clickbank.net )
Ever said something to your spouse or partner you regretted later? Learn how to use "Magic Relationship Words" here-->> (Link To http://YourClickbankAffilateNameGoesHere.magicwrds.hop.clickbank.net )
What are the words "Soul Mates" use when they talk to each other? FREE video spills the beans -->> (Link To http://YourClickbankAffilateNameGoesHere.magicwrds.hop.clickbank.net )
Discover the simple secret that makes talking to your spouse or partner about ANYTHING easy--FREE Video --> (Link To http://YourClickbankAffilateNameGoesHere.magicwrds.hop.clickbank.net )
Use these "Magic Words" and your spouse or partner won't ever shut down or withdraw again. FREE video gets you started --> (Link To http://YourClickbankAffilateNameGoesHere.magicwrds.hop.clickbank.net )
Want to know how to talk to an upset spouse or partner without making things worse? FREE Video gives you the details --> (Link To http://YourClickbankAffilateNameGoesHere.magicwrds.hop.clickbank.net )
When simple conversations with your spouse or partner turn weird and cause them to get upset or withdraw, use this communication tool to reconnect -->> (Link To http://YourClickbankAffilateNameGoesHere.magicwrds.hop.clickbank.net )
Wish you could communicate like Soul Mates with your spouse or partner? FREE video shows you the way --> (Link To http://YourClickbankAffilateNameGoesHere.magicwrds.hop.clickbank.net )
Feel like Soul Mates again just by changing the words you use when you talk to your spouse or partner. Learn how --> (Link To http://YourClickbankAffilateNameGoesHere.magicwrds.hop.clickbank.net )
Relationship experts discover super-easy ways you can use to talk to your spouse or lover and keep the spark alive. Free video --> (Link To http://YourClickbankAffilateNameGoesHere.magicwrds.hop.clickbank.net )
Tap into the healing power of love by using "Magic Relationship Words." FREE instructive video --> (Link To http://YourClickbankAffilateNameGoesHere.magicwrds.hop.clickbank.net )
Using the right words when you talk to your spouse or partner makes your love blossom--learn how to use "magic words" here--> (Link To http://YourClickbankAffilateNameGoesHere.magicwrds.hop.clickbank.net )

Frequently Asked Questions
Who runs this web site and who are Susie and Otto Collins?
We're married Relationship coaches, authors, speakers and seminar leaders who are committed to bringing more love in the world. We've been writing, teaching and sharing our tips and strategies for creating lasting love with the world since 1999. We run our own web sites and get the help we need from our team (all freelance and virtual) to make our many web sites, products and programs make as big of a difference in the relationships and lives of as many people as possible.
Do you have other products or programs I can promote in addition to "Magic Relationship Words"?
Yes, definitely.
We're prolific writers and creators of articles, books, audios, products and programs.
We've literally created dozens of books and programs, hundreds of audios and thousands of valuable articles that have been published on our (or other) web sites as well as other media outlets. This product that's featured on this web site, "Magic Relationship Words," is one of several that we offer through Clickbank's sales system.
Others that we offer include "Should You Stay or Should you Go?" "Red Hot Love Relationships," "Is your Man a Liar?" and more on the way. We offer MANY other products and programs that we offer through our web sites. such as "Stop Talking On Eggshells", "No More Jealousy" "500 Communication Tips" among others.
If there's ever anything you need to promote one of our products or programs as an affiliate, just let us know by calling us or sending us an email. Our contact info is at the bottom of this web page.
What are the best ways to promote "Magic Words" online?
The best way to promote "Magic Relationship Words" is to get your affiliate link in front of as many qualified, targeted and interested men and women as possible. We've given you quite a few tools on this web page and as always, let us know if there's anything we can do to make your job as an affiliate for our product easier.
A couple of tips we will offer are these:
One: Personal recommendations and endorsements work really well. If there's any way you can personally recommend or endorse our product to your visitors, fans, followers or subscribers--this will work MUCH better than just sending cold traffic to our sales video and info.
and 2nd...
NOTHING beats sending an email blast to your email subscribers where you endorse and promote "Magic Relationship Words." Other affiliate partners have made thousands of dollars by simply letting their email subscribers know about "Magic Words." Doing this could be incredibly profitable for you as well. email
Susie & Otto Collins
P.O. Box 1614
Columbus, Ohio 43214
© Susie & Otto Collins / Passion, Inc. 2014